Artist Kerim Rorschach has an official motivation for Friendly Fire 10.
Artist Kerim Rorschach has an official motivation for Friendly Fire 10.

Am 2. Advents-Wochenende ist vorzoete Bescherung: The bewährte Ensemble for and behind the Kulissen organizer Friendly Fire 10.

Update from December 6, 2024: On Saturday morning (7. Dezember) it’s time to use Mal: ​​Friendly Fire. The livestream starts at 3 p.m PietSmiet’s Twitch channel – the Countdown starts at 2 p.m. on the show, the first time in the Räumen of the R42 in Leipzig is ausgetragen.

Ausrichter and Ensemble are likely to complete the premiere of a Friendly Fire documentary from NerdStar.

On dem Friendly-Fire-Spendenkonto since purchase € 25,000 (Standing: 6.12. / 10 Uhr) entrances; The Betterplace platform is based on the benefits of the living environment and ensures healthy spending.

Hinweis für all, die sich für die offiziellen Fan Artikel interessieren (die von Assassin’s Creed Shadows inspired by some mistakes in the spent flight): Weil the launch in those years is limited, as a single product I am Yvolve Shop ready for purchase.

Information about Ablauf, Teilnehmern, Vereinen und Sponsoren find meer Verlauf dies Beitrags.

Notification from October 14, 2024: Bereits zum drriten Mal nach 2020 (Assassin’s Creed Valhalla) and 2021 (Far Cry6) is Ubisoft the main sponsor of the Friendly Fire live streams – diesmal angelehnt an Assassin’s Creed Shadowsthat’s cool postponed until February 2025 wurde. The official Teaser for Veranstaltung ist here seen this way.

If that year is a flawless anniversary, the price for the charity format can be 10 years anniversary. New years were celebrated in Summe more than 10 million. € for common Einrichtungen and Vereine gesammelt.

Whoever is in the Vorjahrene, Friendly Fire 9 has spent the Mark of 1 million. € knackt (Stand: 4.12.023)
Whoever is in the Vorjahrene, Friendly Fire 9 has spent the Mark of 1 million. € knackt (Stand: 4.12.023)

Planted is a sultry Livestream, der am Samstag (7. Dezember) at 3 PM at m PietSmiet’s Twitch channel start. Vorglagert ist ab 14 Uhr ein Countdown, in dem – wie in de Vorjahren – began to become the Vereine.

Das Action-Abenteuer von Ubisoft represents the thematic Grundlage voor een gewohnt breites en originelles Sortiment un Fan Artikel – der Friendly Fire 10-Online-Shop voor Merchandise-Spezialisten Yvolve hat bereits geöffnet. I find my kimonos, T-shirts, hoodies, hats, bags and old items more. The calendar motivation is traditionally set by Andreas Krupa (eosAndy) in Szene. The official artwork comes from Feder von Künstler Kerim Rorschach.

Trailer and photo motif of Friendly Fire 10 since the Japanese Garden in Leverkusen entstanden (Photo: Andreas Krupa / eosAndy)
Trailer and photo motif of Friendly Fire 10 since the Japanese Garden in Leverkusen entstanden (Photo: Andreas Krupa / eosAndy)

Offers for purchases, sponsorships and merchandise purchases can be found in the following shared items:

The professional Abwicklung der Spending (including the Ausstellung-steuerlich abzugsfähiger Quittungen) kümmert sich abermals de Plattform

Who will join the Friendly Fire Premiere in 2015 as part of the following Content Creator Team:

There are more sponsors and partners of Friendly Fire 10 years in that year:

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